My Mantra

I travel the world for work… I explore the world for fun.

My job takes me just about everywhere in the world. I’m the VP of Sales and Marketing for a technology company (we sell crane simulators and other high-end simulator systems). We have clients on 5 continents and I keep in touch with colleagues, partners, clients and friends all across the globe. I travel about 50% of the time and you’ll find me in places like New York City, Bangkok, Amsterdam, Rio De Janeiro (and a whole lot of places in between) usually wearing my blue Bluffworks® Blazer..

To some I may have the dream job… but it’s not that simple. Truth be told, there are upsides and downsides to business travel. Yes, I get to see some amazing places, but I also see far too much of the inside of an airplane (I don’t always travel first class) and I do miss my family and I experience intense loneliness at times.

One of my predecessors burned out. He traveled about a million miles in 5 years – and he never saw anything. He was successful in closing deals, not-so-much in experiencing the unique cultures or observing the beautiful world around him as he criss-crossed the globe. IMHO those were 5 wasted years.

That’s just not my style.

Mark Twain once said…

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

That saying has become my mantra.

So as I travel the world to meet with folks… I’ve turned into a bit of an explorer. I’ve have a lifelong love of skyscrapers and I’m always seeking out the best cityscape or view from the top of some of the worlds tallest buildings.  Yes, I work hard for my company – but if my work is done for the day and I’m in a big city, or near a historical site, or a natural landmark… you can bet that I’m out discovering and not wasting away inside my hotel room. So follow me as I travel…  I’ll occasionally post pictures, ideas, recommendations, and travel insights to this blog.  Plus (as an added benefit to me) – it helps with the loneliness.  So check-in here anytime or follow me on Instagram or Facebook @blazertravels. Safe Travels.

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